Welcome to the Craniosacral Therapy Association of South Africa
The Craniosacral Therapy Association of South Africa (CSTA SA) was founded in December 2002 to provide a national registry of (Diploma) qualified practitioners in South Africa, and to create an awareness of Craniosacral Therapy through a website for the public to view and source reputable practitioners in their areas. This Association, represents practitioners from all over South Africa, Mauritius and some parts of the rest of the world.
About Us
Everything you need to know about our organisation.
The Craniosacral Therapy Association of South Africa (CSTA SA) was founded in December 2002 to provide a national registry of (Diploma) qualified practitioners in South Africa, and to create an awareness of Craniosacral Therapy through a website for the public to view and source reputable practitioners in their areas.
Considering becoming a Craniosacral Therapist?
Training is currently offered in Johannesburg and Cape Town for individuals wanting to become qualified Craniosacral Therapists. Life expresses itself as motion. All living tissues in the body “breathe” with the motions of life, producing subtle rhythmic impulses that can be felt under the sensitive hands of a trained therapist.
Member Directory
Apply now for a full-, student- or friend membership.
Membership to the association applies to graduates of an approved foundation training course in Craniosacral Therapy, who have satisfied the requirements to become a Registered Craniosacral Therapist (RCST).
Our registered members (RCST) are listed on this page and can be sorted by country, province and area of practice.
Upcoming Events
See what’s happening
Events are the lifeblood of the Association. Visit this page to see details of all upcoming events, workshops and courses.
The Craniosacral Therapy Association of South Africa (CSTA SA) is a non-profit organisation who serves the public, and its members across South Africa,
The Association also supports members in Botswana, Mauritius, Morocco, and New Zealand, and welcome new members from across the continent.